Sunday, September 27, 2009

I WON!!! I entered my "Love at Home" quilt in the Utah Quilt Guild Show for 2009 and won for "Excellence in Machine Quilting." I was so surprised and shocked and excited I got tears in my eyes and had to hurry out of there so I wouldn't cause a huge big scene. I was afraid someone would say something to me and then I'd just really fall apart. I tried to send a text to everyone I knew but that doesn't usually go very good even when I can see and don't have my glasses all fogged up with emotion. I didn't even think to take a picture of it with my phone and send that. Then later I was wishing I had taken a picture because it just didn't seem real. I worried all night that I'd told everyone and I hadn't really won. It was real. Pretty exciting.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love At Home

So my sister called and said, "Did you think about this being mom's 75th birthday coming up? I think we ought to have a big celebration." Then after the party was under way, she called me and said, "Got any good ideas for something SPECIAL we could give mom?"

I'd been working on this quilt for quite a while. First I made some houses like this for a friend in my quilt guild and decided I wanted a quilt with some houses. So I made a bunch of houses and then decided to put the hearts in.... then I needed some handwork while we were driving .... Any way, hearts and houses made be keep thinking of Love at Home. It's a song my mom always sang to us kids when we would fight. But the whole time I've worked on this quilt it has said to me...MOM, MOM, Mom. I knew her birthday was coming up. I just got so attached to the quilt I wasn't sure I could part with it. .... She loved it. We had everyone at her party sign the label on the back and write a special memory about mom. I still love this quilt.

Pumpkin Fun Quilt

These pumpkins are just a simple snowball block. You have a 6 1/2 inch square and sew a square of background fabric across each corner. I put the stems and stars on after the whole quilt was quilted... so easy. I glued them on with a washable glue stick and then scrap stitched around them in black thread with my long arm quilter. I love the flower border print. I found it at Clover Patch in St. George.

I quilted all the pumpkins in a different style and a different scrap stitch aound each stem. I love each one.